
The human body is a whole unit. There are many parts and systems that work in harmony, function optimally and keep the body in equilibrium, when everything is healthy.

Unfortunately, life happens and many things go awry and are far from homeostasis and equilibrium. This is where the natural healing practice of Osteopathy can help.

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that considers the body as a whole in order to prevent, diagnose, and treat dysfunctions in the body. It involves all structures composing the body, and helps restore the body’s healthy state.

Make sure you click the title of this blog post to get the whole story ;-)

Befitting for a theatrical performer, Dan Grady’s fitness journey can be told in three acts.

Act I: A talented youth trains for years among ballet’s elite, then begins a decade-long career dancing on Broadway.

Act 2: After his dancing career ends, he grows frustrated with his body’s limitations and realizes change is essential in his attitude and action.

Act 3: Now 60 and a successful psychotherapist, he has adapted with gym workouts to remain strong, limber and with his competitive edge intact.

“It was my choice to stop performing, and that’s a luxury not everybody gets due to injuries,” Dan recalls. “Now, knowing that it’s my choice to continue to work on my fitness – it’s very empowering. It feels like a privilege.”

Make sure you click the title of this blog post to get the whole story ;-)

Was it Freud who said we can’t get through the day without telling ourselves seven little lies?

Or was it a magazine quiz we read in the dentist’s office?

Doesn’t matter! The point is: We all love to tell ourselves “harmless” fibs to avoid doing something we know we “should” do. It’s easier than confronting the truth and finding new, powerful motivation to make positive changes.

So, in the spirit of countering common nonsense with simple truths, let’s look at seven common excuses people over 50 use to avoid taking care of themselves. If you’ve ever said any of these, call us today! We are here to help.


We often underestimate how much our friendship means to others, a new study says.

So, we’re shy to reach out to old friends, afraid it will be awkward or unappreciated.

The research says: Reach out! You’ll be glad you did.

“People are fundamentally social beings and enjoy connecting with others,” wrote Peggy Liu, the study's lead author in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

“Sometimes, people reach out to others — whether simply to check-in on how others are doing with brief messages or to show that they are thinking of others by sending small gifts to them,” she wrote. “Yet, despite the importance and enjoyment of social connection, do people accurately understand how much other people value being reached out to by someone in their social circle?”

Researchers held 13 experiments with almost 6,000 participants to see if people could estimate how much their friends value them reaching out and what forms of communication have the biggest effect. Reaching out meant making a call; sending a text, email or note; or mailing a small gift.

The study found that people significantly underestimated the reaction their gesture would bring.

Friendships are important to our physical, mental and social health as we age, and can even predict our health and longevity. Having strong friendships boosts our overall wellbeing.

So go ahead. Pick up the phone.

It’ll be good for you.

Like most women of her generation, Margaret Cone, now 79, never saw much reason to lift weights.

She had always been pretty active and tried to stay in decent shape. Her family had a strong health history.

But about 10 years ago, Margaret noticed she had gained weight from the long hours she was putting in at her sedentary job. And to make things worse, her doctor diagnosed her with high blood pressure.

Margaret did not take this news passively. She wasn’t going to rely on medication, and she went looking for information about other ways to treat the condition.

“I started reading about weightlifting, and I had never tried that before,” she recalls. “But I thought, ‘I’ll try anything.’ To my surprise – and everyone else’s – I could really do it.

“Without even trying, I lost 25 pounds. I felt better than I ever had in my life.”

A friend in marketing has come up with four categories of what he calls the “Over 50 Fitness Consumer.”

It got me thinking, so I want to know. What do you think of this idea? Do you see yourself in one of these groups?

Regardless, this idea illustrates a crucial point about enjoying life in our later years. Everybody’s different, and I LOVE the diversity of people over 50 who want to get fit or stay fit, as illustrated by our friend’s idea..........

Here are more of the questions we’re often asked about exercise after age 50. Let us know of any other questions you have! We are happy to answer them.

Question: Older people don’t need to lift weights, right?

Answer: Wrong! Resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age, for many reasons that are indisputable. Humans start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we eventually become frail and weak. That leads to balance problems, falls, broken bones, and more. Plus, lifting weights helps to keep us lean, to sleep better, and to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol.

Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat?

A: No. A pound is a pound is a pound. BUT muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in our bodies – about 22% less space.

Travelers over 50 are getting back out there more and more, after two years of curtailing trips because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Domestic travel is more popular than international, marketing information shows. And many older people are more excited about road trips than flying.

There’s so much to do Grandkids, golfing, Broadway shows…?

Are you ready, too?

Let’s review a few points to make sure you enjoy your traveling this year.

Here’s a common scenario for people over 50.

They’ve gradually gained weight over the last couple of decades, and now they’re obese or getting there.

Somewhere over the years, they stopped participating in hobbies and sports. If they ever were a regular gym-goer or runner, that slipped away at some point, too.

Now they have aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, and doctors always urging them to exercise.

Does this sound like you? But you’re just not ready to do anything about it yet?

Maybe you just haven’t reached your turning point. It’s when you make a decisive change at a critical juncture to resolve a crisis.

It’s when you say, “Enough!”

It’s when you finally change your life.

Many of Us Need a Moment of Crisis.....

Here’s one of the great things about getting older:

You’ve lived through enough experiences to have learned lessons about what works for you – and what doesn’t.

About how to reach a goal successfully.

About how to get your mindset right to win.

Now, maybe you didn’t always talk about it in these terms when raising kids, starting careers, or navigating how to refinance the mortgage.

But whatever your life experiences, by now you’ve had enough that you can apply their lessons to your fitness goals and ensure your success (whatever that looks like for you).

Think about these 5 Life Lessons and how they can help you get fit or stay fit to enjoy your hobbies, prepare for travel, play with the grandkids… whatever you want!

5 Life Lessons for Your Fitness after 50

The Dads of the world got the short shrift the last two years, with Father’s Day being disrupted by the pandemic, right?

So show the dad or grandad in your life you care with a gift to keep him active – in the gym, playing his favorite sports, or just getting off the couch and doing something physical.

I hope he works out with me, of course. But any kind of movement is better than none. And if you encourage something he enjoys, then he’s more likely to stick with it past the holiday.

Barb, and the other 12,000 athletes at the National Senior Games, don’t fit the mold of aging.

They’re too active.

Most people simply don’t move enough, let alone people later in life.

The World Health Organization urges everyone to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderately

strenuous cardio exercise, or 75 minutes at a vigorous pace. Experts also say everyone needs at

least two strength-training sessions a week.

We all have our favorite summer activities, and we’ve all been limited from enjoying them as much as we want to. But now, it’s time to dust off that list of favorites and make some plans. No matter what’s on your list, be sure to add strength, stamina and agility to your goals. Because if you’re not in good physical shape, you’re going to continue to be limited in what you can do.

And it doesn’t matter what you’re hoping to enjoy. Being fit will help you do it, while improving your quality of life and extending your independence.

Let’s look at common reasons people over 50 decide to get fit or stay fit. What does each one inspire you to do this season? We are here to help you make those desires a reality.

7 Reasons Why.....

Regular exercise and a good diet with appropriate amounts of calcium and vitamin D are key..

It is important to know that exercise -- which can include everything from jumping jacks to jogging,

from lifting weights to playing tennis – can make a major impact in achieving strong, healthy bones.

......while we often talk about happy retirement being a prime motivator to stay fit after 50,

let’s not overlook the millions of people who aren’t planning to give up work at the traditional point in life.

Fitness today is a $100 billion industry worldwide, which means countless ordinary people exercise for the sake of exercising.

They know it’s good for them. They know it will help them lead better, longer lives. They know it’s fun.

But it wasn’t always like that. Until about 40 years ago, fitness facilities weren’t common. Celebrities weren’t super-fit.

People smoked cigarettes – a lot. The idea of “fitness over 50” hadn’t been coined....

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