
7 Summer Fitness Motivators

It feels like we’re heading into our first more-or-less normal summer in three years.

Are you looking forward to being outside in the sunshine?

Seeing friends and family who live far away?

Getting back to golf or tennis?

We all have our favorite summer activities, and we’ve all been limited from enjoying them as much as we want to. But now, it’s time to dust off that list of favorites and make some plans. No matter what’s on your list, be sure to add strength, stamina and agility to your goals. Because if you’re not in good physical shape, you’re going to continue to be limited in what you can do.

And it doesn’t matter what you’re hoping to enjoy. Being fit will help you do it, while improving your quality of life and extending your independence.

Let’s look at common reasons people over 50 decide to get fit or stay fit. What does each one inspire you to do this season? We are here to help you make those desires a reality.

7 Reasons Why

  1. Grandkids. Nobody wants to be the “boring nana,” right? Millions of today’s grandparents play active roles in their grandkids’ lives. Summer Fun Item: Anything from playing tag in the living room to coaching Little League, from flying to Disney or driving to camp.
  2. Feel, Look and Move Better. Most of us want the benefits of exercise more than we want long hours in the gym. It’s no different for people over 50. Exercise improves your mood, your appearance, and your mobility. Summer Fun Item: I want to look my best for our daughter’s spring wedding.
  3. Hobbies. Gardening and hiking are just two of the physically demanding hobbies that people enjoy and want to continue, regardless of age. Summer Fun Item: Explore my town’s bike trails and parks.
  4. Sports. Some people go to the gym because they like to work out. But for many, it helps them keep doing something else they love. Summer Fun Item: Beat my brother-in-law at golf again.
  5. Travel. The pandemic seems to be over, or at least manageable. Is it time to resume checking off that list of places you always wanted to visit? Summer Fun Item: Meet old friends for walking tours of great cities or national parks.
  6. Mental Health. You might know that exercise is good for your body. But did you realize it’s also great for your mind, helping to build memory and ward off dementia? Summer Fun Item: I want to pray or meditate on a beach, mountaintop, or countryside porch.
  7. Physical Health. Did you hear about the real “wonder drug” to help keep your body healthy? It’s called exercise! Fitness even helps us recover from common surgeries and illnesses. Summer Fun Item: I want my doctor to see shock (the good kind) on my doctor’s face at my fall visit.

It really doesn’t matter what you want to do this season. It’s your life! You should enjoy doing whatever you like.

It’s our job to help you get or stay fit over 50 so you can live life on your own terms for as long as you want.

Ooh, summer livin’… let’s have a blast!

Let’s get you started with safe, fun and effective exercise!

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